Sunday, October 7, 2007

Why Hispanics will miss Bush...

Why Hispanics will miss bush? Or will Hispanics miss bush? The author of this article even with a Hispanic name is sort of in a way attacking the Hispanic community. To say the truth bush has not done much for the Hispanic community so I don’t see why they will miss him, in election year and reelection he talked about doing something about immigration and yes he has done something but nothing to help them. Setting a wall dividing the countries is not helping.
What does the author base his percentages that 61 percent of the hispanics voters don’t watch Spanish television? On the contrary I would say that the majority of the Hispanic voters watch Spanish television or else Univison would not have gone through all the trouble to have a debate. Plus they also did it because now there are a lot more hispanics registering to vote and want to know what is going on. And yes it was only with the Democratic Party but I am pretty sure they will have one for the Republican Party as Jorge Ramos said the day of the debate.
I am glad the author realized that immigration is not the only issue hispanics care about. The author mentions war, and yes war is another very important issue immigrants care about. They care because they do not want to be at war any more and many don’t understand that there are more than thousands of illegal immigrants fighting at war in Iraq. But does Bush or the government care for them? I would say not really because here they are fighting for rights that to me seem fair that they have because they care for this country as much as any native U. S. born citizen does.

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